Do you hate spending time every day searching for a place to charge your electric car? Are you constantly fearing that you might not be able to reach a charging station at the moment which is obviously ridiculous. You can finally stop worrying. Charge Your Car Anywhere You Go with Level 2 Portable EV Charger Which means you can travel without the irritations and strains of searching for charging spots.
Level 2 Portable EV Charger: A Simple, Small ToolEvery Car Owner Must Have
This is a small and simple tool to charge your electric car while traveling, as well as the Wissenergy's type 2 charger. The whole idea is portability as the ePCOOL25 designed to be compact for electric car owners. It is user-friendly and you seem not to be a tech geek. You just need to insert it in, and you are all set. Ideal for first time electric vehicle charger users through to the experienced, it will offer every car owner a simple way of charging their cars.
Quick: One of the best thing about Level 2 Portable EV Charger is that it replenishes your car faster, along with the 7kw home charger developed by Wissenergy. Level 2 chargers are meant to charge up your electric vehicle as much six times faster than a Level 1 charger. In other words, you can spend less time standing around and more enjoying yourself. What if you could leave for only a few minutes, get some snack or drinks at pit stop and return to vehicle recharged in anyway. This quick charging facility makes you free from worries of long journeys.
Beside so, it is the easier now than ever to go on a trip with your electric car, similar to the Wissenergy's product like type 2 to type 1 charging cable. Thanks to this Level 2 Portable EV Charger, you can hit the road in your car and charge it up whenever necessary. This is an awesome travel buddy for you to take Disneyland or longer drives out of town, and hey maybe just driving around the block to see family over Thanksgiving. It will let you live the journey without worrying about insufficient battery-sanity. It is also great to take on a vacation or weekend trip.
Not to mention, it is a portable EV charger — although Level 2 — that works well and comes in small packaging of transportation, just like the ac charger for car built by Wissenergy. Since it is portable, you can bring wherever your destination which be, like going to the store or having a long drive. It is lightweight and compact enough to fit in your backpack or a car trunk. It even includes a carrying bag, which is awesome. Finally, because it runs on regular 120v you essentially power your car wherever there is electricity.
For the electric car owner, this is a challenging level 2 portable EV charger to have; it will definitely make your charging process much easier, similar to the Wissenergy's product like type 2 cable holder. It is much faster and easier, so you will never have to pat yourself on the back for saving time by guessing how long your electric car needs to get 80% charged up. This maintains you on the road for longer periods and a lot more fun trips without having to take pit stops. It is an update I think every EV owner should make.
are excited present our latest level 2 portable ev chargerthe seventh generation charging stations for electric vehicles. innovative solutions reflect relentless pursuit of excellence, our commitment to pushing the boundaries of EV charging technology.
commitment of WISSENERGY goes far beyond product. are proud to be a trusted partner of 27 international brands and offer customized Original Design Manufacturing services. From design and aesthetics to research development, manufacturing, mold production level 2 portable ev chargercertification, as well as assembly, we offer range of solutions adapted to partners their specific requirements.
comprehensive approach allows us satisfy a variety of demands industry with level 2 portable ev chargerand precision. empower partners by offering end-toend solutions that allow them realize their goals and keep up with the constantly changing EV world.
WISSENERGY is pioneer in sector of electric vehicle charging technologies with international footprint that level 2 portable ev chargeracross more than 150 countries. state-of-the-art charging solutions carefully designed to maximize effectiveness, safety, ease of use, providing seamless charging experiences throughout world.